Martha Helena Saravia Pinilla
Directora Departamento de Diseño Industrial, Investigadora Principal Proyecto “Aplicación del Método de
Intervención para el Desempeño Integral, MIDI-PP”, Líder del Grupo de Investigación ‘Innovación Tecnológica’
(COLCIENCIAS),Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cra. 7 # 40-72
Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Oficina
104, Bogotá, Colombia,
The concept of Ergoecology (G. García, P. Romero and M. H. Saravia, 1997) was developed as
proposal to integrate evaluation and intervention processes generally used in ergonomics and
environmental management systems. Ergoecology, as scientific and technological new discipline,
looks forward ''-from a systemic focus-, to take care of studying the human being and its relationships
with the environment -through its activities (work)- to establish, analyze, reduce, prevent, control and
rectify the impacts (positives/negatives) that derive from such a relationship”. From this concept, the
Ergoecological Analysis Method was developed (García, Romero & Saravia, 1999) and structured to
allow Ergoecology’s principals application and toward a specific intervention into the companies,
taking Ergoecology as a tool to build and stables ergoecological (ergonomic, environmental and
sustainable) parameters and indicators to improve productive processes, and understanding these
indicators as technological developed factors that raise the effectiveness levels. The Method is
structured by seven conceptual stages where the investigator/consultant must structure and establish
the steps required procuring the aim, derivate on the business ambit of the company (Saravia, Rincón,
Mejía & Barrero 2003-2005). Now days -based on the validation of the Method- the research team has
developed a new approach to make possible the integrated performance of productive processes.
This approach it’s structured as the “Integrated Performance of Productive Processes Intervention
Method” and it’s now being running as study case in two Colombian MIPYMES as an investigation
project of the Design Department of the Universidad Javeriana.