MX Design Conference 2017

7th International Design Congress

October 30-31 and November 1, 2017

Selected proposals in first stage

Evaluation process

After receiving a total of 220 proposals, these were evaluated by double-blind method in the case of presentations accompanied by paper, and simple blind for proposals of design projects and free reflections. Each proposal was reviewed by two reviewers who individually issued a numerical rating. The evaluators were academics and lecturers of the Department of Design at Ibero CDMX, however, in the case of proposals from authors attached to our university, the evaluators were external to the institution. Finally, the lowest-scoring proposals of the same author were excluded in order to promote a broader and more diverse participation.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Pertinence with regard to the theme of the event
  2. Relevance of the proposal to the design and its social impact
  3. Clarity with which the proposal is expressed

Considering the above, the 75 best evaluated (1/3 aprox.)were selected were selected to continue the process. During the first week of May we will be communicating with the authors of the selected proposals to give them instruictions in that sense.

We thank all the authors who sent their proposals and we hope to have your attendance at the event (registration free of charge for you) and your participation in the upcoming congresses.

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MXDC 2017 is open access based, and free of any fee to our speakers and expositors.

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Departamento de Diseño UIA-CDMX, 2017. Some rights reserved