MX Design Conference 2009: Impacto social del diseño

Posters exhibition

The five libraries selected are:

Por los niños del mundo; protejámoslos del VIH y el SIDA

Libertadores de Aotearoa

Inclusión Social en un País Multicultural

Hach Kaab: Yucatán honey (a design for development project)

Design with the enemy, poster diplomacy via Seattle-Moscow-Tehran-Havana

havana Moscow Teheran

Selection process

There were a total of 12 proposals for exhibition of posters, about Social Impact theme, which were evaluated by the Department of Design individually and without knowledge of the author's data. From these evaluations were performed pre-selection, requesting the files of the posters for display.

Based on the material sent there was a re-assessment to choose the signs of projects to be exposed during the event.

logo uia MX 2005 MX 2007 Departamento de Diseño UIA-CM, 2009. Algunos derechos reservados logo diseño